I'm so ready to be out working and so tired of being here, constrained haha. I just want to WORK. I'm learning patience. The language is coming swimmingly. I couldn't ask for better teachers. Time seems to move on a different schedule here. Like it is on fast-forward but I guess when you have such a wholesome intent...you can never have enough time. The unfortunate thing about proselyting here in Argentina is that the people know us almost as well as the people in the US do. "No Gracias" is my least favorite phrase. I could honestly go the rest of my life without those two words in one breath.
Let's see...I have found a delightful little morsel of consumption here. It is the ALFAJOR. Find it. Eat it. Love it. I would say I have so many more experiences but the greatest discovery or experience I have had has honestly been that first taste of an alfajor.
...Not really actually, today I had a really good experience. We had the opportunity to teach the Latino Elders about "obedience." As we spoke, for the first time the words flowed. I think I was overly excited because I was smiling at them and they kept asking why I was smiling but...I knew. I was so proud of myself.
Elder Davies